Corporate Functions
Area of work
Consider the implications, both legal and practical, of amendments to the Professional Qualifications Directive (PQD).
End of year assessment
- Liaised with Government regarding the interpretation of the revised Directive.
- ARB responded to BIS’ consultation regarding the draft Guidelines for Competent Authorities and transposition regulations concerning the transposition of the revised Qualifications Directive into UK legislation.
- A review of the guidance made available to European applicants for registration was undertaken to ensure it aligned with the revised Directive.
Area of work
Managing risk.
End of year assessment
- Feedback was sought through the Board effectiveness review with amendments made to the presentation of risk in the Board papers.
- The Audit Committee and Board regularly reviewed ARB’s Risk Register, particularly looking at operational risk during the ongoing Periodic Review. Internal Auditors and the Committee reviewed the progress we made against previous recommendations.
- Adequate reserves were maintained; the reserves policy was reviewed and amended by the Board in September 2015. The policy now fully reflects government expectations.
- We have a rolling programme of policy/procedure reviews. In 2015 our programme of internal audit, included reviews of Equality and Diversity procedures, stakeholder management and Freedom of Information. Alongside these, staff undertook further compliance reviews covering the General Rules, the Scheme of Decision Making, the Architects Act and the DCLG/ARB Framework. They also covered the Board’s commitment to transparency including its Publication Scheme and Policy on Open and Closed Board sessions.
- Trend information on income and expenditure was used to set the 2016 fee.
Area of work
Maintain adequate and appropriately skilled staffing levels that are utilised effectively.
End of year assessment
- Human resources were kept under constant review to ensure that ARB can deliver on its statutory functions and Business Plan. Flexible working was encouraged Staff training was provided on effective decision writing, equality & diversity, and dealing with difficult callers. In addition, team members developed their individual skills through a wide range of courses, volunteering and participation opportunities.
- Opportunities to develop new and existing skills were offered to team members where possible, to encourage team members to reach their full potential.
- An extra staff pay and reward benchmarking exercise was undertaken and considered by the Remuneration Committee.
Area of work
Deliver outcomes of the Periodic Review and maintain Government and Stakeholder confidence.
End of year assessment
Not delivered. The outcome of the Periodic Review was delayed. Once the recommendations are known, an implementation plan will be developed.
- The budget for additional resources was not utilised, but will carry forward into 2016.
- Despite significant staff resources being spent on the Periodic Review, statutory functions were delivered throughout the year.
Area of work
Efficient financial management.
End of year assessment
- The Board received regular updates on the organisation’s finances through management accounts, including explanations for any variances to budget.
- The 2016 budget was set, with budgeting sessions undertaken.
- The reserves policy was amended.
- Investment Strategy was reviewed and amended.
- The collection of the 2015 Annual Retention fee went smoothly. There were approximately 1,800 removals for non-payment of the fee which led to significant resources being allocated to the removal and reinstatement process.
- The increased income from the growth in the Register was considered when setting the 2016 retention fee; this enabled the 2016 fee to be held at the 2015 level.
- An early communication strategy was used to increase awareness of the 2016 fee deadline
Area of work
Compliance with legal obligations.
End of year assessment
- No breaches of legal obligations were identified during 2015.
- Health & Safety reviews took place as required.
- Pension auto-enrolment requirements were implemented.
- ARB’s compliance with data requirements under ARB’s response systems to requests for information under Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act were subject to internal audit, with substantial assurance being received.
- IT penetration testing was undertaken.
Area of work
IT strategy.
End of year assessment
- Systems remained reasonably stable throughout 2015 and internal upgrades to the network took place. There were two major hardware failures which led to 36 hours combined downtime. Steps to improve resilience in this area have been undertaken, with further work planned for 2016.
- A review of our IT strategy was undertaken which identified further streamlining opportunities across the organisation.
Area of work
End of year assessment
- Website and Online Register – Hits on the ARB website were up 10% to 277,387.
- Existing relationships were maintained with consumer organisations and online directories and new relationships were built.
- A staff focus group was undertaken to assess how ARB’s digital communications might be improved.
- The design of the eBulletin was refreshed following feedback from registrants.
- New online videos were launched, providing guidance on the prescribed exam process.
- Social media audiences grew steadily across all channels. LinkedIn proved particularly popular with followers increasing from 935 to 1815 by the end of 2015.
Area of work
Continue our programme of efficiency and effectiveness reviews to improve the operation of the organisation.
End of year assessment
- The review of the website continued, with improvements in all areas being made. We launched an online complaints tool, and enhanced the online application process.
- The tender for the misuse of title prosecutions legal contract was successfully completed with a new service provider in place for 2016.
Area of work
Explore and take up opportunities to work with stakeholders and partners to deliver ARB’s objectives.
End of year assessment
- A number of stakeholders agreed to help by disseminating ARB’s key messages (see section 8 above).
- Auditors undertook a review of stakeholder engagement arrangements, resulting in eight recommendations; to be delivered during 2016.
- The election campaign provided opportunities to work with others. In particular, we were able to establish links with a number of equality and diversity networks.
Area of work
Undertake a review of our commitment to transparency.
End of year assessment
- The Audit Committee considered the outcomes of a staff-led transparency review, with recommended improvements to be delivered in 2016.
Area of work
Respond to, and advise on European legislation that affects the regulation of architects.
End of year assessment
- Developments in EU legislation were monitored. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Directive was transposed into UK law and discussions about ARB’s obligations took place with Government.
- Relevant government consultations were highlighted to the profession.
- The education models specified in the Directive were explored, with legal advice sought.
Area of work
To continue to improve governance arrangements within the organisation.
End of year assessment
- The results of the Board effectiveness review, were considered and acted upon.
- Governance arrangements were audited and the outcomes considered by the Audit Committee.
Area of work
Continue to review, develop and implement our equality and diversity action plan.
End of year assessment
- An Equality & Diversity survey of the Register was commenced in May 2015, with published support from the Royal Institute of British Architects. Changes to the online complaints tool will allow for a greater capture of information in disciplinary matters.
- The Board was provided with an annual update in relation to our work in this area, and equality and diversity statistics were published in February 2016.
- Relationships were with similar organisations and best practice was shared.
- An internal audit covering the Board’s Commitment to equality and diversity was undertaken and resulted in a substantial assurance.
- Equality & Diversity training was provided to all staff, Board members and examiners.
Area of work
Manage ARB’s reputation to ensure there is public confidence in the regulation of architects.
End of year assessment
- ARB’s performance against KPIs was reported to the Board biannually.
- Work commenced on a communications piece to highlight ARB’s regulatory role: Press Releases referred to ARB’s regulatory role and statutory remit. In addition to this we highlighted our regulatory remit to visitors at consumer shows, explaining the difference between regulators and professional bodies.
- Feedback from users was sought and reported to the Audit Committee, the report identified both positives and negatives and, where possible, identified the action that would be undertaken as a result of the feedback received.
- We maintained and developed relationships with other regulators to understand and share best practice, learning from what works.
Area of work
End of year assessment
Monitor the impact and outcomes resulting from the Scottish Referendum and General Election.
- The Scottish Referendum did not materially affect ARB’s business.
- Good relations with the DCLG were maintained so that ARB could react to any changes in Government expectations.
End of year assessment
- The Scottish Referendum did not materially affect ARB’s business.
- Good relations with the DCLG were maintained so that ARB could react to any changes in Government expectations.